Animated 3d Buttons In Bulma

Animated 3d Buttons In Bulma

Template Name: Animated 3d Buttons In Bulma.

High Resolution: – Yes.

Compatible Browsers: – All Browser.

Source Files included: – HTML and Internal CSS.

Bulma is a popular CSS framework that is built-in Sass(CSS preprocessor) with the help of a flexbox. So here made simple Animated 3d Buttons In Bulma and also we modified the buttons with a help of CSS.

In this element, we used Box-shadow and padding, the margin for making this element on the 3d side. Also, we used the helper class for making this element proper alignment. Here we used only Bulma's normal buttons and rounded buttons only. You can use any buttons like medium, large, and small with our modified buttons properties.

Make it yours now by using it, downloading it, and please share it. we will design more elements for you.

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