Calculator In Javascript With Bootstrap 4

Calculator In Javascript With Bootstrap 4

Template Name: Calculator In Javascript With Bootstrap 4.

High Resolution: – Yes.

Compatible Browsers: – All Browser.

Source Files included: – HTML, External CSS and CDN.

The calculator is everything for us to calculate any amount into plus(+), minus(-), multiply(*) and divide(/) easily.  Also, use as an advanced scientific calculator to calculate advanced mathematical expressions. So here we designed a Simple and good user-interface calculator In Javascript With Bootstrap 4 CSS framework. This element you can use in your project where have some basic calculations. 

In this example, we used the javascript function to make this awesome calculator calculate the number that the user can enter with given numeric values. Here we used the Bootstrap 4 grid column and also use helper classes which bootstrap provides. Also, we change a little bit user interface of this simple calculator with the source code with the download button. This mostly responsive Calculator with mobile and tablet friendly. 

Make it yours now by using it, downloading it and please share it. we will design more elements for you.

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