Full-Screen Bottom Sheet With Social Share Button In Angular Material

Full-Screen Bottom Sheet With Social Share Button In Angular Material

Template Name: Full-Screen Bottom Sheet With Social Share Button In Angular Material.

High Resolution: – Yes.

Compatible Browsers: – All Browser.

Source Files included: – HTML, External SCSS, Font Awesome, Angular CLI and Material Angular.

Social sharing is an essential part of sites to get visitors. So here we made In Angular Material Full-Screen Bottom Sheet With Social Share Button/icons.

Also read:- Angular Material With Bootstrap Responsive Mega Menu

To make this more attractive, we modify the bottom sheet class, and we use font-awesome icons to show which brand or which social icons it is. Also, we use flex CSS proprieties with justify-content to make this proper button centre aligns. Also is a fully responsive element for mobile and tablet views.

Make it yours now by using it, downloading it and please share it. we will design more elements for you.

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