Tailwind CSS Starter Template

Tailwind CSS Starter Template

Template Name: Tailwind CSS Starter Template.

High Resolution: – Yes.

Compatible Browsers: – All Browser.

Source Files included: – HTML, Icons, Internal CSS, Images, and CDN.

Starter Template layouts are primarily used to start any website without doing any extra codes. You have customized and changed the text or heading that you want a change. So here, we made a primary and user-friendly interface with the help of Tailwind CSS.

Also Read:-Tailwind CSS Interactive Responsive Navbar

In this starter Template, we used one main navbar, and also we used a card section to show services and a team section. We also used one contact us form and a straightforward footer with copyright text on the bottom side. To make it more attractive, we used the best colour combination classes on the hover side, and also we used a grid class to make templates more beautiful. Only in these templates do we use the Tailwind CSS utilities class and component already given. Here also modified the course for hover, and also we used font-awesome icons with proper colour executions.

Make it yours now by using it, downloading it, and please share it. we will design more elements for you.

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